Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian may suffer from a mental illness

On August 10th 2012, Judge Socrates Manoukian's son, Mathew Manoukian was killed in combat in Afghanistan while serving in the Marine Corps and after his sons death, Judge Manoukian exhibited what appeared to be a delirious obsession with terrorists and terrorism.

On October 3rd, 2012, 53 says after the death of his son, Judge Manoukian accused several hundred people of plotting a terrorist attack against Markham Plaza Apartments in San Jose California and caused one of the residents, Robert Moss to die after being denied accommodations pursuant to the American's with Disabilities act in what has famously become known as the EAH Housing Scandal.

Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian may have been mentally ill during the EAH Housing scandal which occured 53 days after the death of his son Matthew Manoukian, a marine killed in combat in Afghanistan. On October 3Mrd, 2012, Judge Manoukian accused several hundred people of plotting a terrorist attack against a HUD subsidized apartment complex in San Jose, California because they were coordinating with one another to improve living conditions for the residents.
Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian may have been mentally ill during the EAH Housing scandal which occurred 53 days after the death of his son Matthew Manoukian, a marine killed in combat in Afghanistan. On October 3Mrd, 2012, Judge Manoukian accused several hundred people of plotting a terrorist attack against a HUD subsidized apartment complex in San Jose, California because they were coordinating with one another to improve living conditions for the residents.

Many have questioned Judge Manoukian's mental fitness during the few months after the death of his son Matthew and question whether the court system in Santa Clara County should have allowed him to work during this time period.  It has also been observed that Judge Manoukian had been drinking heavily and that his vast consumption of  may also have been a contributing factor fueling his mental illness..

Heavy binge drinking may have contributed to Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian's mental instability on October 3rd, 2012, when he accused several hundred people from various churches and non profit organizations of plotting a terrorist attack against Markham Plaza Apartments in San Jose, California.
Heavy binge drinking may have contributed to Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian's mental instability on October 3rd, 2012, when he accused several hundred people from various churches and non profit organizations of plotting a terrorist attack against Markham Plaza Apartments in San Jose, California.

More on Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian click here

Some blogs by others:




Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian and family at the funeral of son, Captain Matthew Manoukian. 53 days after Matthew Manoukian was killed in Afghanistan, Judge Manoukian accused several hundred people of plotting a terrorist attack against Markham Plaza Apartments in San Jose, California leading many to believe that Judge Manoukian may have been mentally ill when the EAH Housing abuse scandal occurred.
Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian and family at the funeral of son, Captain Matthew Manoukian. 53 days after Matthew Manoukian was killed in Afghanistan, Judge Manoukian accused several hundred people of plotting a terrorist attack against Markham Plaza Apartments in San Jose, California leading many to believe that Judge Manoukian may have been mentally ill when the EAH Housing abuse scandal occurred.

Heavy drinking may have contributed to Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian's mental illness during the EAH Housing abuse scandal at Markham Plaza Apartments in San Jose, California
Heavy drinking may have contributed to Judge Manoukian's mental illness during the EAH Housing abuse scandal at Markham Plaza Apartments in San Jose, California

Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian may suffer from a Mental Illness
